Schleifen II, Installation view, EXILE Berlin, 2024. Photo by Choreo
Elke Denda, Punktebild, 1986, textile paint on fabric, 160 x 210 cm
Schleifen II, Installation view, EXILE Berlin, 2024. Photo by Choreo
Kerstin von Gabain, Shell (Detail), 2022, photo by Josh Schaedel
Kerstin Von Gabain, Fuckparade, 1999, c-type prints, 51 x 38.5 cm
Kerstin von Gabain, Fuckparade, 1999, c-type prints, 51 x 38.5 cm
Kerstin von Gabain, Dollar General, 2014, wax and plastic bag, 25 x 25 x 20 cm each. Photo by Choreo
Kerstin von Gabain, Dollar General, 2014, wax and plastic bag, 25 x 25 x 20 cm. Photo by Choreo <br>
Schleifen II, Installation view, EXILE Berlin, 2024. Photo by Stefan Hablützel
Elke Denda, Noppenwürfel, 1987, acrylics on wood, 32.5 x 32.5 x 32.5 cm
Schleifen II, Installation view, EXILE Berlin, 2024. Photo by Choreo
Elke Denda, 10 Rote Sonnen, 1989, acrylics on glass, 81 x 51 cm
Elke Denda, Zigarrenbanderolenbild, 1989, acrylics on glass, 81 x 51 cm
Elke Denda, Schwarzwaldbild, 2023, acrylics on glass, 48 x 36 cm