C+Moi, 2012, laser copy, 92 x 137 cm

Cyprien, 2012, laser copy, 92 x 121 cm

C+Moi, 2012, laser copy, 92 x 92 cm

C+Moi, 2012, laser copy, 92 x 61 cm

A Weekend with Sabina Maria van der Linden, Installation view, 2015, EXILE

A Weekend with Sabina Maria van der Linden, Installation view, 2015, EXILE

Fluffy Minimalism, 2007, digital video of performance, 4:40 min

Fluffy Minimalism, 2007, digital video of performance, 4:40 min

Fluffy Minimalism, 2007, digital video of performance, 4:40 min

Fluffy Minimalism, 2007, digital video of performance, 4:40 min

Favorit 1, 1998, digital animation, 4:01 min

Favorit 2, 1998, digital animation, 2:54 min

Guy de Cointet, 2010, digital video of performance, 7:13 min

Guy de Cointet, 2010, Digital video of performance, 7:13 min

Guy de Cointet, 2010, Digital video of performance, 7:13 min

Guy de Cointet, 2010, Digital video of performance, 7:13 min

Guy de Cointet, 2010, Digital video of performance, 7:13 min

Work, 2010, digital video of performance, 3:27 min

Memoki, 1998, Digital animation, 0:48 min

Boy, 2010, digital video of performance, 4:47 min

Economy, 2014, digital video of performance, 20:25 min
EXILE is pleased to invite you to a weekend with Berlin-based artist Sabina Maria van der Linden (born 1952) in New York.
A weekend with Sabina Maria van der Linden consists of a re-edited and never before shown body of work by the artist that centers around her relationship to male-dominated art-stardom and youth fetishism in contemporary art.
Through quickly collaged posters and text works as well as a specifically edited selection of her videos van der Linden embraces a phantasy of intimacy with a dominant male artist figure. Appearing in Calvin Klein ads, the artist projects the desire of being the youthful, fashionable, male, successful and celebrated artist onto herself, turning continuously existing chauvinism and machismo in contemporary art on itself.
128 Rivington Street, NY 10002
Opening hours: Wed – Sun, 1 – 7 pm
Tea with the artist: Sunday, Mar 29, 3 – 6pm