Patrick Panetta, House of Cards, 2015, Installation view, EXILE

Light and lighter / blue, 2015, lighter taped to fluorescent tube, 61.5 x 4.5 x 8 cm

Patrick Panetta, House of Cards, 2015, Installation view, EXILE

Scale of rating / Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, 2015, screen capture of artist browsing various gallery websites with various sounds and talk radio, various lengths, edited exhibition copy, 24:15 min

Scale of rating / Peres Projects, 2015, screen capture of artist browsing various gallery websites with various sounds and talk radio, 24:15 min

Scale of rating / Gavin Brown's enterprise, 2015, screen capture of artist browsing various gallery websites with various sounds and talk radio, 24:15 min

Scale of rating / Mathew, 2015, screen capture of artist browsing various gallery websites with various sounds and talk radio, 24:15 min

Make problems just sexy enough, 2015, Found painting covered with PVC film, 270 x 350 cm

Patrick Panetta, House of Cards, 2015, Installation view, EXILE

From Isabella Bortolozzi with love, 2015, video and sound recording of the artist investigating the press release of Danny McDonald’s exhibition at Isabella Bortolozzi Gallery in Berlin, 01:30 min

From Isabella Bortolozzi with love. 2015, Video and sound recording of the artist investigating the press release of Danny McDonald’s exhibition at Isabella Bortolozzi Gallery in Berlin, 01:30 min