Installation view, MIART, 2016

Martins Kohout, Fallout 2 (Original Soundtrack), 2015, wood, various cables and wires, concrete, moss, cardboard, laser and gryllus bimaculatus, 104 x 138 x 70 cm

Pauł Sochacki, Le monde est un portrait, 2015, oil on canvas, 70 x 60 cm

Nathalie Du Pasquier, Untitled, 2015/16, oil on canvas in artist-made frame, 118 x 118 cm

Martins Kohout, Tanzania - Japan, 2016, wood, stamps and plastics, 54 x 74 x 7 cm

Installation view, MIART, 2016

Pauł Sochacki, Smoking Kills, 2015, oil on canvas, 140 x 170 cm

Nathalie Du Pasquier, Untitled, 1991, unglazed terra cotta, 22 x 40 x 40 cm

Nathalie Du Pasquier, Untitled, 1991, unglazed terra cotta, 22 x 40 x 40 cm

Installation view, MIART, 2016

Martins Kohout, Untitled, 2016, glazed ceramics, wire and metal, 46 x 22 x 4 cm

Nathalie Du Pasquier, Untitled, 2016, color pencil on paper, 50 x 70 cm

Pauł Sochacki, Erkenntnis und Interesse (Knowledge and human interest), 2014, acrylic on linen, 150 x 115 cm