Martins Kohout, 5006 years of daylight and silent adaptation, Installation view, 2014, EXILE

Martins Kohout, Boosted EXL5006M, 2014, light therapy lamps, custom-made metal frames, car paint and pvc foil, 30 x 70 x 100 cm

Martins Kohout, Boosted EXL5006XL (detail), 2014, light therapy lamps, custom-made metal frames, car paint and pvc foil, 168 x 174 x 170 cm

Martin Kohout, Boosted EXL5006XL, 2014, light therapy lamps, custom-made metal frames, car paint and pvc foil, 168 x 174 x 170 cm

Martin Kohout, Installation view, EXILE, 2014

Martins Kohout, Daylight Manual (detail), 2014, window display, dimensions variable

Martin Kohout, Daylight Manual (detail), 2014, window display, dimensions variable

Martin Kohout, Daylight Manual (detail), 2014, window display, dimensions variable

Martin Kohout, Installation view, EXILE, 2014

Martins Kohout, Survival Guides for Ballroom Dancers, Renovators, Softball Moms, Working Parents and Troubled Folk in General, 2013, golden privacy filter and archival inkjet print on black Forex, 25.7 x 17 cm

Martin Kohout, Survival Guides for Ballroom Dancers, Renovators, Softball Moms, Working Parents and Troubled Folk in General, 2013, golden privacy filter and archival inkjet print on black Forex, 23.5 x 17 cm

Martins Kohout, Survival Guides for Ballroom Dancers, Renovators, Softball Moms, Working Parents and Troubled Folk in General, 2013, golden privacy filter and archival inkjet print on black Forex, 25 x 17 cm

Martin Kohout, Installation view, EXILE, 2014

Martin Kohout, Survival Guides for Ballroom Dancers, Renovators, Softball Moms, Working Parents and Troubled Folk in General, 2013, golden privacy filter and archival inkjet print on black Forex, 24.5 x 17 cm

Martin Kohout, Survival Guides for Ballroom Dancers, Renovators, Softball Moms, Working Parents and Troubled Folk in General, 2013, golden privacy filter and archival inkjet print on black Forex, 25.7 x 17 cm