Epithalamium, 2011, Installation view, EXILE

Silhouettes, 2011, oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm

Leather Lee, 2011, oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm

Epithalamium, 2011, Installation view, EXILE

Morning Fence, 2010, oil on canvas, 121.9 x 86.4 cm

Familiar, 2011, oil on canvas, 40.6 x 35.5 cm

Epithalamium, 2011, Installation view, EXILE
Epithalamium /ˌɛpɨθəˈleɪmiəm/ (Latin form of Greekɛπιθαλάμιον epithalamion from ɛπί epi “upon,” and θάλαμος thalamos nuptial chamber) refers to a form of poem that is written specifically for the bride on the way to her marital chamber. (Source: Wikipedia)
EXILE is pleased to present the first German solo-exhibition of New York-based Painter TM Davy.The exhibition features a set of paintings, entitled Epithalamium, that were specifically created for this exhibition over the course of the past year.
Through a selection of very private scenes, this particular set of paintings can be at times disarmingly upfront, at others quiet, at others banal. Regardless, they are always distinctly personal and allow a very deep insight into the artist’s life.
When now viewed in public, the paintings demand each viewer’s own reaction to the displayed privacy. At question is the boundary of one’s own understanding and limitations of the private sphere to the revealing openness of the artist’s exposed self. While the artist offers insight into his own life, it is the viewer’s own state of privacy, exposure and voyeurism that becomes central.
TM Davy’s paintings underline and break with the comfortable distance of a viewer to an artwork and, through this, to the artist’s subject matter and personal identity.
Read Review: taz, Oct 19, 2011
Read Review: Berliner Zeitung, Oct 22/23, 2011