Katharina Marzsewski, left: Aurelia, 2009, silkscreen on paper and wax crayon, 47 x 34 cm Right: O.H, 2011, c-type print, 19 x 26 cm

Katharina Marzsewski, Installation view, 2011, Art Berlin Contemporary

Katharina Marzsewski, Marysha my marginal glue gun, 2011, xerox copy, pigment and lacquer, 170 x 120 cm
For Art Berlin Contemporary 2011 EXILE will present a solo presentation of new works by Katharina Marszewski.
Her deliberately casual approach to this year’s abc thematic frame of About Painting results in objects, photographs and heavily worked silk-screen prints that refer to the gestural language historically associated with common perception of the painter and (usually) his painting.
Marszewski puts her own lighter and at times ironical spin on these stereo-typical and, though outdated, still very prominent modes of artistic production. She references Paris, as a the cliche location of the celebrated drunk male turn of the century painter and pairs this with her own heritage. Polish graphics and silk-screen tools become collaged, re-silk-screened, photocopied and obsessively overworked with lacquer until almost a point of non-recognition is achieved.
Katharina Marszewski turns a mirror on painterly obsession itself. She fractures the cliche and re-assembles her own vision out of the remaining shards.